Artificial intelligence is changing marketing, are you ready?

We offer simple low-cost high-touch AI Marketing advisory programs to help B2B SaaS marketing teams leverage the latest AI marketing tools.


About Neha Goel & Rippler Group

My name is Neha Goel and I’m a Fractional CMO and a Marketing Advisor in the B2B SaaS space.

Over the past decade, I’ve led marketing for 3 rapid-growth SaaS firms who’ve had successful exits 🚀. Today I’m working with several clients who’ve engaged me to transform their marketing strategies and execution. I’m also an early adopter of marketing AI tools.

I truly believe that firms that don't enter adopt AI in their marketing strategies WILL be left behind. 

That’s why I think it’s critically important for B2B SaaS startups to leverage the latest AI marketing tools and inject it into their workflows.

The pace of innovation in AI marketing tech is staggering. It’s literally the time of #AIforAll! While it’s incredibly exciting to have access, it’s also a reminder that very few people have AI skills or knowledge yet. 

That’s why I designed some simple low-cost, high-touch, no-commitment AI Marketing Advisory programs to help!

How we can help:



Navigating the confusing landscape of AI tech



Developing a tailored AI marketing roadmap



Training your marketing team to effectively use AI tools



Integrating AI into existing platforms and workflows



Optimizing your work processes with AI capabilities



Leveraging AI for data analysis & insights

Breakdown of our Offerings

Discovery Sessions

One-hour session to understand goals and objectives for generative AI, current marketing workflow, tools currently used, and experience levels of team

Included in all packages


Advisory Consulting

One-hour 1:1 video consultation to address questions and share best practices based on information uncovered during the discovery session

Starting at

$399 per hour

Training Workshops

Custom two-hour training workshop covering potential AI tools, how to integrate & stack, skills guidance, and how to identify instances of opportunity

Starting at


Leadership Debriefs

30-minute debrief call with executive leadership to share insights, learnings, and recommedations from discovery sessions, consulting hours, and workshops

Starting at

$249 per 30-minutes

Documented Advice

Documented and personalized recommendations for investing in and leveraging AI within marketing activities, based upon discovery sessions, consulting hours, and workshops

Starting at



We make it easy to work with us by bundling offerings into simple, low-cost packages

If you're interested in working with Rippler Group but the packages listed don't fit your needs, we're happy to create a custom package tailored to your specific requirements.
AI Marketing Ignition Session ($399)
AI Marketing Launchpad ($1399)
AI Marketing Transformation ($2149)
Discovery Session
One-Hour Advisory Consultation
Custom 120-Minute Training Session
Documented & Personalized Recommendations
Two Additional Hours of Advisory Consultation
AI Marketing Ignition Session ($399)
Discovery Session
One-Hour Advisory Consultation
Custom 120-Minute Training Session
Documented & Personalized Recommendations
Two Additional Hours of Advisory Consultation
AI Marketing Launchpad ($1399)
Discovery Session
One-Hour Advisory Consultation
Custom 120-Minute Training Session
Documented & Personalized Recommendations
Two Additional Hours of Advisory Consultation
AI Marketing Transformation ($2149)
Discovery Session
One-Hour Advisory Consultation
Custom 120-Minute Training Session
Documented & Personalized Recommendations
Two Additional Hours of Advisory Consultation

We'd be happy to answer your questions.

If you want to learn more about our AI Marketing Advisory Packages or just about Rippler Group and our practice areas, we'd be happy to chat!