Growth Hacking in Action: How a B2B SaaS Company Used a Targeted Approach to Expand Their Customer Base

Learn how Rippler Group helped a B2B SaaS startup validate a hypothesis for a new ideal customer profile and craft a winning outreach strategy.

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About the Company: TalentDesk is a B2B SaaS company that provides a platform for businesses to manage their freelance workforce. The company's target customers are enterprise-level businesses in a variety of industries, including technology, finance, and healthcare. These customers typically have a need for flexible and scalable workforce solutions, and are looking to optimize their talent management processes to achieve greater efficiency and cost savings.

TalentDesk's team felt that a niche segment would be a great customer for their solution and partnered with Rippler Group to help test and prove that hypothesis. 


To test this hypothesis and achieve growth, Neha executed a growth hacking initiative that involved the following marketing strategies:

Target Audience Identification

The company started by identifying and defining their niche target segment, which was characterized by a specific set of demographics, firmographics, psychographics, and behaviors. This helped them to better understand their customers and tailor their messaging to meet their specific needs.

Comprehensive List Building

Neha built out a targeted list of potential customers using various online tools, including LinkedIn, company databases, and industry associations. She able to identify and segment the list, and provide a full-built out list of contacts for outbound efforts.

Email Cadence Creation

Neha crafted email cadences that were personalized and tailored to the specific needs and pain points of the target audience. The emails were designed to be concise, compelling, and to elicit a response from the recipient. The email cadences were tested and optimized to improve open rates and response rates.


The entire project was completed in under 3 weeks and the early results are already highly positive. 


Higher Open Rates

The company achieved an open rate of 45%, which was significantly higher than the industry average. This was a result of the personalized and targeted approach to email outreach.

Higher Click-Through-Rates

The company achieved a click-through rate of 20%, which was also significantly higher than the industry average. This was a result of the compelling messaging and personalized approach.

Higher Conversion

The company was able to generate a high number of sales conversations from the email outreach, resulting in a 10% increase in meetings booked.


The growth hacking initiative resulted in significant growth for the company.

They were able to validate their hypothesis that their ideal customers were from the niche target segment, and were able to generate a high number of sales conversations. The success of the initiative has led to continued investment in marketing strategies that focus on the specific needs of the target audience, resulting in sustained growth for the company.

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